Welcome from the Director of Logistics
My name is Kim Derry and I am from Canada. I serve as the Director for Logistics for the 24th World Scout Jamboree along with Assistant Director Mark Winkelman from the United States. I have been involved with many national and international Scouting functions through Scouts Canada, including participating in international world and country jamborees, as a contingent leader in Australia, as a Canadian lead for logistics at the world jamborees in 2007 in England and 2015 in Japan. Our goal for Logistics at the 24th World Scout Jamboree is to be invisible in our support of the jamboree participants.
The logistics functions for the 2019 World Scout Jamboree are designed specifically to support the Program, Operations, and Administrative directors in all the areas they oversee and manage. The eight key functions relate to Safety and Emergency Management, Sustainability and Maintenance, Transportation, Retail Operations, Food Service, Technology Information, and Structure as well as Logistics Support functions. Mark and I are building an international team of volunteers to effectively serve the needs of the other directors and you who are attending the jamboree from various National Scout Organizations.
The site at the Summit Bechtel Reserve is a permanent Scout camp with an extensive fiber optic, water, sanitation, and recycling infrastructure permanently in place. Flush toilets, ambient-temperature showers (though participants are permitted to bring solar heaters), and hundreds of drinking spigots are located throughout the sub-camps and event areas. The site has been tested by more than 30,000 Scouts during a 10-day period in 2013 and will be so tested again in 2017.
We are proposing a few changes, currently under review, for the 24th World Scout Jamboree aimed at reducing the IST burden.: The most compelling changes would be our proposal to contract with local sanitation companies regarding cleaning of bathroom and shower facilities. The driver of these proposals is our desire to enhance the IST experience by creating teams with more fulfilling roles in maintenance and logistics that not only get the job done but also build relationships.
Food Services will be providing information for international food house facilities as well as supporting social venues and retail food locations. Consideration is being given to food variety and meeting religious, dietary, and allergy requirements. Information provided through a robust registration process for such needs will make that task easier to deliver.
Our technology team is charged with collecting essential information and, given our ability to support thousands of electronic devices, we encourage participants to bring them, subject, of course, to NSO directions. Charging stations will be available and our Wi-Fi infrastructure can support up to 100,000 attendees.
We also have the ability to provide all required camping gear for contingents, including tents, cooking equipment, tables, kitchen tents, and coolers. We will also provide tents for IST. This reduces your need to bring those items with you.
Note: Although we’ve eliminated the need for IST and attendees to bring sleeping tents, cooking equipment, coolers etc., NSOs may still find a need for shipping containers. Please look for shipping information in future New World News releases.
Transportation services covers busing to and from the jamboree site from each of the three designated entry locations. Onsite busing routes are also being planned and tested during 2017 given the size of the site.
The Logistics team is focused on providing the necessities required to live on 10,000 acres situated within 100,000 acres of treed lands, including the three lakes, and many kilometers/miles of trails that comprise the Summit Bechtel Reserve so that YOUR program and time can be better spent on fun-filled activities that focus on unlocking a new world.
For questions regarding the study visit program during the summer of 2017, operating an international food house, NSO contingent tent requirements or NSO logistics needs, please do not hesitate to contact me or Mark at Kim.Derry@2019wsj.org.
As the Director of Logistics, I invite you and the Scouts of your NSO to sign up and attend the 24th World Scout Jamboree at the Summit Bechtel Reserve to Unlock a New World.
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