Safety Moment – Homesickness
Have you ever been homesick? Many of us will have thoughts about home and loved ones that can, at times, be overwhelming. Some of the symptoms may be lack of sleep, loss of appetite, energy, or withdrawal from friends or associates. An obvious sign may be “I WANT TO GO HOME – NOW!” Having homesickness is a normal aspect of human life, and can affect people of all ages.
Here at the World Scout Jamboree, homesickness may be augmented due to being in a foreign land or state where there are different foods, customs, and practices. If you or someone you know is homesick, know that no on is alone at WSJ. Each basecamp, many subcamps and other Jamboree areas have Listening Ear tents with trained people who will listen to and help you. Listening Ear staff are particularly skilled in actively listening and helping you or your friend work through homesickness.
If you are homesick or know of someone who is, encourage them to go to their unit leader (with a buddy) and talk to them about this. The unit leader may also advise you (and your buddy) to go to the nearest Listening Ear tent. Anyone who is homesick or just wants to talk can go to the Listening Ear.
So, if you’re feeling homesick, Listening Ear is here to help! Stop by sometime and say “hello” to these wonderful staff members (even if you are not homesick).
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