Click here to see Bernardo’s posts.
City: Lisboa
Rank: Entertainer
Is this your first time traveling intertnationally? Yes.
Favorite scouting experience: One time I went to a farm with scouts playing a game inspirated by “the hunger games” and during the game a goat gave me a hit, while I was running away. It was AWESOME!!!
What are you most excited about for the 2019 World Scout Jamboree? I really want to know the people from all around the world and share with them, my experience as a scout.
Why do you want to serve as a Global Ambassador? I want to share with world who I am as a scout.
What countries would you like to meet scouts from? USA, England, Colombia, Australia and the world!!!
Click here to see Matilde’s posts.
City: Lisboa
Rank: leader
Favorite scouting experience: A simple adventure with my patrol where the night begins with us getting lost and ends with us fiding a new secret unique spot
What are you most excited about for the 2019 World Scout Jamboree? Having a culture shock and seeing how each country brings its own thing to the table when it comes to scouting
Why do you want to serve as a Global Ambassador? I want to be able to show everyone what are the scouts through my eyes while also learning new things
What countries would you like to meet scouts from? Egypt and Kazakhstan
Social Media:
Instagram: @matiimurta
Click here to see João’s posts.
City: Leiria
Rank: Assistant Patrol Leader
Favorite scouting experience: My favourite experience as a Scout was in my 2nd year as Pioneiro (like Venture, but in Portugal), while I was participating in a national activity called Tecoree. Basically, it’s a scout technic competition where you and your patrol evolve a lot. You not only improve your skills as a scout but also create a stronger connection with your friends. Together, we went through difficult times and laugh a lot, so I think it’s one of my best memories at the Scouts movement.
What are you most excited about for the 2019 World Scout Jamboree? To meet people from other countries and experience new activities
Why do you want to serve as a Global Ambassador? Because there’s a lot of responsability that comes with such honor, and every single activity is better when there’s the possibility to ally that with the amusement. At the same time, it will, probably, be the best opportunity that I’ll get in my life to be in touch with national representative positions, and that is something I always dreamed about. Finally, I’m sure I will learn a lot by being a Global Ambassador and it will be perfect to improve my skills.
What countries would you like to meet scouts from?
Social Media:
Instagram: @2019wsj_POR
Facebook: @JooRei301